Monday, June 20, 2011

Chekhov Fail

This morning was an extension of my day off yesterday, since the other half of the group had singing this morning.  So I got up and <gasp> did my damn laundry!  I now have clean clothes to wear!  It’s a very exciting feeling, I must say.  So, I stepped outside and presently sweated my way through my first clean shirt on the hot and humid walk to the theatre for acting class in the afternoon.  Because we are trying to cover in a month what MXAT students usually do over the course of about a year and a half, we often have to take giant leaps for which we are not ready.  Today was an example of that, in that we moved into working on “Chekhovian” etudes to start out the class.  We were basically told that we used too many words and ended up lying on stage the whole time.  Ouch.  I think this threw us a bit, and so our group dynamic was way off for our training exercises.  Then, when we went into our personal etudes, it just went from bad to worse.  My attempt at channeling my niece was extremely unsuccessful, but lauded for the difficulty of what I attempted… so I guess that’s something.  And when I helped out one of my classmates with his etude, we were congratulated for not being as untruthful as the one that preceded it… so I guess that’s something too.  Oh well – it’s all part of the process.  After class I walked back to the dorm and made a little dinner before leading a group of six undergrads to see Катя, Соня, Поля, Галя, Вера, Оля, Таня (Katia, Sonya, Polya, Galya, Vera, Olya, Tanya) – a play I saw a week or so ago.  I loved it, talked it up, and decided that I would go again… why the hell not, eh?  I will say that I don’t think that this performance was quite as on as the last performance, but it was still absolutely stunning and fantastic.  Plus, since I had seen it before, I knew when they were trying to hide something by directing my attention elsewhere, so I fought back and tried to observe some of the mechanism behind the magic.  I’m not sure the students enjoyed it quite as much as I did… but I think they at least appreciated it anyway.  Especially the young women – because seeing the kind of work done by the four women in that show is just plain inspiring. Then… when I got back to the dorm I drank a little vodka and did some journaling, reading and blogging (oh my!)   Not a bad way to end a day.

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