Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Books Not Now

Play #102 (Make-up #20) - Books Not Now by Kira Lauren

Her and Him are dividing up their books into three piles - Books now, Books not now, and Goodwill. It's the end of their marriage, and it's time to do the dreaded sorting. As they sort, they talk about some of the books, and eventually get into deeper territory about their marriage and the ways that they failed each other. It's a sad, simple conversation that ends up featuring a pretty nice monologue by Him. But more importantly, it doesn't overdramatize the situation. They loved each other, they had problems, there are still plenty of feelings and unfinished issues, but there's no yelling, no tearful reconciliation... just a little bit of understanding. Perhaps it's the kind that can only come when things are over, but at least it comes some time.

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