Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Russia Day

I barely moved today… so no pedometer

Today is Russia Day – basically Fourth of July for Russia.  Big day, right?  Classes were cancelled, so we had the whole day to ourselves.  Lots of celebrating and parades and fireworks…right?  Well… kinda.  I mean, there were certainly state sponsored festivities, but with all the unrest over the current political situation, we were pretty much advised to steer clear of any and all events.  It ended up raining most of the day too, so it turned out to be a good day to stick around the dorm.  I read most of the day, had a meeting with JT and Vanessa (the other grad student) where we ate chips, drank beer, and talked about theatre – pretty much awesome.  Then we had our weekly potluck… and I have to say, it was impressive.  Today, in celebration of Russian Independence Day, Justin made the most American thing he could muster: Apple pie.  And Liz (one of our Canadians) made a pasta casserole thing.  Very fancy.  (Sara wanted you to see her cheese as well.  It was good cheese.)   
Happy Russia Day from our ambitious chefs!
We had a good discussion about the theatre we’ve seen so far and the theatre we are planning to see, we chatted about our etudes for tomorrow, and we pretty much did our own thing for the rest of the evening.  We’ve had it pretty easy for the last few days, but for the next 18 days…things are about to get sort of non-stop.  It’s go time!

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